Archives for 2016

Dad Trying To Be Funny.


Just seen this:

Typically, my dad says there’s a lot more than 27 reasons. He jokingly adds:

28. They are too good at begging and doing the starving Border Terrier act.

29. Their hair sticks to everything but themselves.

30. They are very “in yer face.”

31. They get through chews like they’re going out of fashion, and leave pieces all over your floor.

32. They think you have nothing better to do than scratch their backs.

33. They like to sit on you.

34. They take up almost as much room in the bed as you do. (Notice he said IN the bed).

35. They do exactly the opposite to every other dog at training class.

36. You can’t get away with not sharing your meal with them.

37. They sometimes act like cats – wrapping themselves around your legs, for example.

38. They eat tennis balls and wreck every toy you give them. They particularly enjoy removing the squeakers.

39. They find your feet very useful for resting chews and bones on.

40. They leave chews in your shoes and slippers.

Okay, okay, that’s enough! Guilty as charged. But what would my Dad’s life be like without a Border Terrier, eh? Boring, that’s what!

(Note from Archie’s Dad: It would also be quieter, cheaper, and less hairy!)