Hello world?

This is me

This is me

My human Dad has decided that it would be a good idea for me to have a blog. He has this notion that it will be interesting to have a written record of the thoughts, ideas and observations of a Border Terrier.

My first observation: my Dad is completely off his rocker. Nevertheless, I have learned that good things come to dogs who do what their humans want.

Anyroadup, as they say in the North of England, here am I. So long as my Dad keeps at it, I will be posting pearls of wisdom here regularly for your enjoyment. I don’t intend to be too serious, but I do aim to entertain. I will be posting anything that I think will interest or entertain you, and I welcome any comments you may wish to make. My Dad reckons I’m a bit of a character, so I know how to behave.

Until next time mes amis. (French. I am an educated Border Terrier).

Archie (also known as The Archieness).

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